Divisions, Units and Departments

Budget Unit (includes Debt, Budget Management)

The Budget, Debt and Fiscal Management Unit is responsible for the preparation and the implementation of the government’s budget, resource allocation and debt management with the following key specific responsibilities: -

  • Prepare and issue budget call on an annual basis;
  • Receive and analyze budget submissions from respective ministries;
  • Arrange for discussion of budget estimates between respective ministries and the Ministry of Finance;
  • Prepare draft budget estimates for discussion by ministries and Cabinet;
  • Prepare the budget for consideration of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Dominica;
  • Ensure budget estimates are printed and circulated to relevant authorities;
  • Receive and process request for expenditure by respective ministries throughout the year;
  • Facilitate approval of spending request from the recurrent account;
  • Monitor and report on recurrent expenditure by respective ministries;
  • Analyze requests for Virement and Contingencies Fund Warrants;
  • Facilitate the approval of works contracts;
  • Undertake periodic review of expenditure and revenue operations;
  • Responsible for the dereservation and release of capital funds;
  • Review proposals for loan funds and provide guidance;
  • Review loan agreements and provide comments as appropriate;
  • Debt recording, monitoring and maintenance of debt database;
  • Report on debt management activities;
  • Liase with brokers, investors, creditors and other stakeholders;
  • Assists in the issuance of Government Securities on the RGSM and through private placement;
  • Assists in the issuance of Government's guarantee;
  • Develop an annual debt portfolio Review;
  • Develop a medium-term Debt strategy;
  • Develop close working relationships and effective communication with key stakeholders;