Central Statistics Office (CSO)
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is the authoritative department within the Ministry of Finance with the responsibility for collecting, compiling, analyzing and disseminating official statistical data for the country. All statistical services/activities are provided for under the Census and Statistics Act Number 17 of 1986. The coordination of services is designed to meet the requirements of the changing social, economic and environmental conditions in the economy.
Our mission is to provide Government, the public and private sectors, regional and international Organizations, and other users with timely, accurate and reliable data.
Our vision is to educate the public on the importance of statistics and maintain a professional, competent, well equipped staff emphasizing modernization through training and the utilization of science and technology.
The Central Statistical Office comprise of four Units namely:
- Computing and Surveys
- Economic and Trade Statistics
- Demographic and Social Statistics
- Administrative
Visit the Central Statistics Office (CSO) website.