Divisions, Units and Departments

Inland Revenue Division (IRD)

The Inland Revenue Division is tasked with the responsibility of efficiently administering the provisions of the Income Tax and Value Added Tax Acts and Regulations in an effort to effectively maximize revenue collection efforts.  Other taxes which are administered include:–

  • Corporation Tax
  • Withholding Tax
  • Excise Tax
  • Abandoned Property Surcharge (A new Tax implemented effective August 2022 and due by 1st August 2023)
  • Also Licenses to include – Store & Parlor, Liquor
  • Motor Vehicle, Driver’s License

Within the Division there are ten (10) Sections namely –

  1. Assessing with responsibility for printing of all remittances and returns in respect of all Taxes and Licences collected by the Division;
  2. Tax Roll & Enquiries Section with the responsibility of printing of remittances for facilitation of payment of taxes and licences and registration of new businesses, issuance of drivers’ licences and VAT certificates etc;
  3. Audit (Regular) reviews files of the small taxpayers
  4. Audit (LMTS) reviews files of the medium and large taxpayers based on segmentation criteria adopted by the Division.
  5. Collections (Regular) deals with the collection of taxes and arrears due by taxpayers and also deals with compliance by addressing the issues of non-filers, as per standardised procedures set out and concentrates mainly on the small taxpayers.
  6. Collections and Compliance Section (LMTS), and although the functions and procedures followed are basically mirrored with that of Collections (Regular), this section deals with medium and large taxpayers.
  7. IT Section (Systems) deals with the maintenance and procurement of IT equipment for use by employees in carrying out their daily functions
  8. Monitoring Section is mainly responsible for the collating of data into quantitative and qualitative analysis in order to monitor the productivity of the Division. 
  9. International Tax Unit. The Unit is responsible for monitoring and managing all international tax affairs with international bodies such as IMF, UN, OECD. Also, liaising with Tax Treaty partners within the BEPS Inclusive Framework and other Global Forum Members concerning tax information exchanges through Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI/CRS) and Exchange of Information (EOI). They are also tasked with the responsibility of management and monitoring of the FATCA and CRS exchanges through the CTS and IDES Portals; ensuring that all guidelines set by the OECD with regards to legislative and administrative changes are adopted and effectively monitored in preparation for annual peer reviews by the OECD.
  10. Administrative Section.

Visit the Inland Revenue Division website.